Affiliate link disclosure

Affiliate links disclosure. Illustration: Panda silhouette over transparent background. and the text "it's all about transparency".

Hey fellow cuteness lovers!

You may have noticed that my website includes links to different products. Some of these links are affiliate links, meaning that if you decide to use them to make a purchase, I might earn a small commission.

The commission comes from the sellers / shops as compensation for my referral, at no additional cost to you. For example, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Later on, the commissions turn into nickels for my website, food for my cats and gratitude to you, dear soul who used my link to buy something you liked.

Even though affiliate links don’t cost you anything extra, I must let you know that I use them. First, because it’s the law, and second, because you deserve to know.

Now that you do, off you go! My website has lots of awesome content for you, so you don’t want to spend your visit on legalities. Let’s get back to the fun!