Unique activity book for kids: the proof arrived!

After many months of work, I finally received the proof of my new activity book for kids. It is an activity book that combines General knowledge with fun puzzles, riddles, crafts and coloring pages. It was definitely a challenge to create, because of all the different actions it required (researching the facts, writing, drawing, making the puzzles, sending the text to an English speaking proofreader and reviewing the oh-so-many details!)

But creating this book was a dream come true. I love writing materials for kids (I’ve been working for children’s magazines for years, for a reason~!) and I love making up puzzles and games, and of course – I love illustrating! So holding this printed book in my hand is a celebration.

I worked really hard on this one and I am proud of the result. You can see how I designed the cover and look at some of the internal pages.
The drawing on the front cover feature characters and items that participate in the content of the book.  

The Clever Explorer Activity Book - Ayelet Keshet - front The Clever Explorer Activity Book - Ayelet Keshet - back

A little bit of the inside:

The Clever Explorer Activity Book - Ayelet Keshet -_p30-31 The Clever Explorer Activity Book - Ayelet Keshet -p18-19

The next step for me is to go through this book VERY carefully and examine each and every bit. I must make sure that all the puzzles are perfect, that the paging is correct and that there are no mistakes in the text and illustrations. The book contains answers for the puzzles in the end, so they too must be error free (for example, I must make sure that any adjustment I make in the puzzles will be updated in the corresponding answer). 

I created this book with the goal of providing a high quality product that kids would love, and that would provide a lot of extra value. It ended up being a fun, educational and unique activity book and I couldn’t be happier with it!

Once I am done proofing the book I will make it available for purchase on Amazon, Book Depository and on Createspace. 
In the meantime you can get my empowering coloring book for girls, which contains illustration of strong, smart and inspiring girls 🙂

Click on the image to get this book: